
Blocknews and Usenetnow are pleased to welcome all Deals.Woot members to our exclusive Independance Day Usenet Sale! Both sites are offering there own special deal so read below for all of the great details!



Up for grabs at Blocknews is 100 Gigabytes for $10.99! Pay only once and take your time to use it up! Never any rebilling! Why pay monthly for usenet when you only need access every now and again? All accounts include SSL encryption, our industry leading retention, posting & great service all with access to our servers located in the US and Europe!

Click Here To Get Started With Blocknews!


Up for grabs at Usenetnow is unlimited accounts for $10.19 per month! These accounts include SSL encryption, our industry leading retention, posting & our great service all with access to our servers located in the US and Europe! These accounts re-bill each month until canceled. Do not miss out!

Click Here To Get Started With Usenetnow!